Source code for spectrum_utils.plot

import functools
import itertools
import math
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker

import spectrum_utils.fragment_annotation as fa
from spectrum_utils.spectrum import MsmsSpectrum

colors = {
    "a": "#388E3C",
    "b": "#1976D2",
    "c": "#00796B",
    "x": "#7B1FA2",
    "y": "#D32F2F",
    "z": "#F57C00",
    "m": "#FBC02D",
    "I": "#455A64",
    "p": "#512DA8",
    "?": "#212121",
    "f": "#212121",
    None: "#212121",
zorders = {
    "a": 3,
    "b": 4,
    "c": 3,
    "x": 3,
    "y": 4,
    "z": 3,
    "m": 2,
    "I": 3,
    "p": 3,
    "?": 2,
    "f": 5,
    None: 1,

[docs]def _annotate_ion( mz: float, intensity: float, annotation: Optional[fa.FragmentAnnotation], color_ions: bool, annot_fmt: Optional[Callable], annot_kws: Dict[str, object], ax: plt.Axes, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ Annotate a specific fragment peak. Parameters ---------- mz : float The peak's m/z value (position of the annotation on the x axis). intensity : float The peak's intensity (position of the annotation on the y axis). annotation : Optional[fa.FragmentAnnotation] The annotation that will be plotted. color_ions : bool Flag whether to color the peak annotation or not. annot_fmt : Optional[Callable] Function to format the peak annotations. See `FragmentAnnotation` for supported elements. By default, only canonical b and y peptide fragments are annotated. If `None`, no peaks are annotated. annot_kws : Dict[str, object] Keyword arguments for `ax.text` to customize peak annotations. ax : plt.Axes Axes instance on which to plot the annotation. Returns ------- Tuple[str, int] A tuple of the annotation's color as a hex string and the annotation's zorder. """ ion_type = annotation.ion_type[0] if annotation is not None else None color = colors.get(ion_type if color_ions else None) zorder = zorders.get(ion_type) if annot_fmt is not None and annotation is not None: y = intensity + 0.02 * (intensity > 0) kws = annot_kws.copy() kws.update(dict(color=color, zorder=zorder)) ax.text(mz, y, annot_fmt(annotation), **kws) return color, zorder
[docs]def annotate_ion_type( annotation: fa.FragmentAnnotation, ion_types: Iterable[str] ) -> str: """ Convert a `FragmentAnnotation` to a string for annotating peaks in a spectrum plot. This function will only annotate singly-charged, mono-isotopic canonical peaks with the given ion type(s). Parameters ---------- annotation : fa.FragmentAnnotation The peak's fragment annotation. ion_types : Iterable[str] Accepted ion types to annotate. Returns ------- str The peak's annotation string. """ if ( annotation.ion_type[0] in ion_types and annotation.neutral_loss is None and annotation.isotope == 0 and annotation.charge == 1 ): return str(annotation.ion_type) else: return ""
[docs]def spectrum( spec: MsmsSpectrum, *, color_ions: bool = True, annot_fmt: Optional[Callable] = functools.partial( annotate_ion_type, ion_types="by" ), annot_kws: Optional[Dict] = None, mirror_intensity: bool = False, grid: Union[bool, str] = True, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot an MS/MS spectrum. Parameters ---------- spec : MsmsSpectrum The spectrum to be plotted. color_ions : bool, optional Flag indicating whether or not to color annotated fragment ions. The default is True. annot_fmt : Optional[Callable] Function to format the peak annotations. See `FragmentAnnotation` for supported elements. By default, only canonical b and y peptide fragments are annotated. If `None`, no peaks are annotated. annot_kws : Optional[Dict], optional Keyword arguments for `ax.text` to customize peak annotations. mirror_intensity : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to flip the intensity axis or not. grid : Union[bool, str], optional Draw grid lines or not. Either a boolean to enable/disable both major and minor grid lines or 'major'/'minor' to enable major or minor grid lines respectively. ax : Optional[plt.Axes], optional Axes instance on which to plot the spectrum. If None the current Axes instance is used. Returns ------- plt.Axes The matplotlib Axes instance on which the spectrum is plotted. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.PercentFormatter(xmax=1.0)) ax.set_ylim(*(0, 1) if not mirror_intensity else (-1, 0)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator()) if grid in (True, "both", "major"): ax.grid(True, "major", color="#9E9E9E", linewidth=0.2) if grid in (True, "both", "minor"): ax.grid(True, "minor", color="#9E9E9E", linewidth=0.2) ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", labelsize="small") ax.set_xlabel("m/z", style="italic") ax.set_ylabel("Intensity") if len( == 0: return ax round_mz = 50 max_mz = math.ceil([-1] / round_mz + 1) * round_mz ax.set_xlim(0, max_mz) max_intensity = spec.intensity.max() annotations = ( spec.annotation if spec.annotation is not None else itertools.repeat(None) ) annotation_kws = { "horizontalalignment": "left" if not mirror_intensity else "right", "verticalalignment": "center", "rotation": 90, "rotation_mode": "anchor", "zorder": 5, } if annot_kws is not None: annotation_kws.update(annot_kws) for mz, intensity, annotation in zip(, spec.intensity, annotations): peak_intensity = intensity / max_intensity if mirror_intensity: peak_intensity *= -1 color, zorder = _annotate_ion( mz, peak_intensity, # Use the first annotation in case there are multiple options. annotation[0] if annotation is not None else None, color_ions, annot_fmt, annotation_kws, ax, ) ax.plot([mz, mz], [0, peak_intensity], color=color, zorder=zorder) return ax
[docs]def mirror( spec_top: MsmsSpectrum, spec_bottom: MsmsSpectrum, spectrum_kws: Optional[Dict] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Mirror plot two MS/MS spectra. Parameters ---------- spec_top : MsmsSpectrum The spectrum to be plotted on the top. spec_bottom : MsmsSpectrum The spectrum to be plotted on the bottom. spectrum_kws : Optional[Dict], optional Keyword arguments for `plot.spectrum`. ax : Optional[plt.Axes], optional Axes instance on which to plot the spectrum. If None the current Axes instance is used. Returns ------- plt.Axes The matplotlib Axes instance on which the spectra are plotted. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if spectrum_kws is None: spectrum_kws = {} # Top spectrum. spectrum(spec_top, mirror_intensity=False, ax=ax, **spectrum_kws) y_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] # Mirrored bottom spectrum. spectrum(spec_bottom, mirror_intensity=True, ax=ax, **spectrum_kws) y_min = ax.get_ylim()[0] ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.axhline(0, color="#9E9E9E", zorder=10) max_mz_top =[-1] if len( > 0 else 1 max_mz_bottom =[-1] if len( > 0 else 1 # Update axes so that both spectra fit. round_mz = 50 max_mz = max( [ math.ceil(max_mz_top / round_mz + 1) * round_mz, math.ceil(max_mz_bottom / round_mz + 1) * round_mz, ] ) ax.set_xlim(0, max_mz) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.AutoLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( mticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: f"{abs(x):.0%}") ) return ax